cyber Threat Hunting Program

Join Our Free Master Class Session

Next Cohort Starts: 1 June, 2024
Limited no. of seats available

Program Duration: 30 Days

Learning Format

Program Overview

The Cyber Threat Hunting program is meticulously crafted to provide individuals with the expertise and knowledge essential for excelling in the dynamic field of cybersecurity. This program offers a robust curriculum designed to cover all critical aspects of protecting infrastructures, securing data, and conducting thorough risk analyses. Emphasizing practical, hands-on approaches, the program ensures that participants are proficient in detecting and mitigating cyber threats efficiently.

Key Features

Introduction to Cyber Threat Hunting: Understanding the fundamentals of cyber threat hunting, Key terminologies and concepts in cybersecurity

Infrastructure Safeguarding: Techniques for protecting network infrastructures, Implementing security protocols and best practices

Data Security: Methods to secure sensitive data from unauthorized access, Encryption techniques and data protection strategies

Risk Analysis and Management:Identifying and assessing potential cyber threats, Developing and implementing risk management plans

Practical Threat Hunting:Hands-on training in threat detection and mitigation Using advanced tools and techniques for threat hunting

Advanced Threat Hunting Techniques:Deep dives into sophisticated threat hunting methodologies, Case studies and real-world applications

Best-in-class content developed by industry experts

Tuition Fee

Rs.25,000/-(Excluding GST)

Rs.29,500/-(including GST)

Start your journey today with an initial commitment, We exclusively offer placement assistance to support your career goals.


JobPakado offers a wide range of programs in various fields such as business, technology, creative arts, engineering and more. Some of our popular programs include embedded systems, full-stack java development, data science, full-stack Python, AWS, SQL, Android, and iOS development, agile methodologies, web development, and digital marketing.

The duration of our programs varies depending on the field and level of the program. Some of our programs are short-term and can be completed within a few weeks, while others are more comprehensive and can take up to a few months or more to complete.

You will find the option above to view the ongoing programs from the view all programs page. Choose your program from the programs section and register by clicking on start learning followed by successful payment.

We offer our learners a range of support services, including academic advising, tutoring, career services, and counselling services. We are committed one to one chat support system between Learner and Trainer which help will help our learners succeed academically and personally.

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