Python Full Stack
Developer Program

Book a Master Class, For free

Next Cohort Starts: 1 May, 2024
Limited no. of seats available

Program Duration: 4-5 Months
At 10-15 hours/week

Online / Classroom
Learning Format

Program Overview

Build yourselves to new heights with our expert guidance and flexible learning options,captivating projects and real-world applications.Acquire the power to code,manipulate data and build remarkable applications. Let your code cast a spell of excellence in the world of programming.

Key Features

Instructor-led board & digital sessions: learn flexibly in both offline and online sessions

Interview preparation and coding contests: Develops your coding skills to expert level through assessments, contest and mock interviews.

Hands-on programming exercises: Hands-on experience with real-world scenarios for job readiness.

Adaptive learning with personalised study plans: makes you choose from various learning formats as per your preferences

Role-based learning: Connects you with learners and Python experts for networking and collaboration

Job placement support: Gain access to an exclusive job portal that connects you with job opportunities

Course Plan

  • Introduction To Website Designing
  • What is web
  • Static webpage vs dynamic page
  • Front end vs backend
  • Types of File
  • What is HTML
  • History of HTML
  • Element
  • Tags
  • Attribute
  • Structure of HTML
  • Headings
  • Paragraph
  • Image
  • Break Tag
  • Line Tag
  • Property and value
  • Hyperlink
  • Table
  • list
  • order list
  • un-order list
  • definition list
  • pre vs paragraph tag
  • Form
  • Form Validation
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Marquee
  • text (Bold, Italic, Underline etc.)
  • Background color
  • Iframe
  • Project assignment
  • Introduction to CSS
  • Types of CSS
  • Inline CSS
  • Internal CSS
  • External CSS
  • Selector
  • Types of Selector
  • Class
  • Id
  • Group
  • Hover effect
  • text
  • Margin
  • Padding
  • Float
  • Border
  • Border radius
  • circle
  • Transform
  • Transition
  • Position
  • Overflow
  • Gradient
  • Background Image
  • Animation
  • Responsive
  • Media Query
  • Box shadow
  • Text shadow
  • Project assignment
  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Grid Model
  • Grid Layout
  • Responsive Webpage
  • Gutter
  • Bootstrap classes
  • Bootstrap Structure
  • CDN vs NPM vs CSS & JS File
  • Creating webpage using
  • Bootstrap Grid model
  • Text
  • Image
  • menu
  • Dropdown
  • Carousel
  • Cards
  • Collapse
  • Modal
  • Alert
  • Table
  • Form
  • ID
  • Bootstrap Components
  • Project -1 assignment
  • Project -2 assignment
  • Project -3 assignment
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Data vs Information
  • Tokens
  • Datatype
  • Keywords
  • Identifier
  • Variable
  • Constant
  • Script Tag
  • JavaScript structure
  • Document. Write
  • Prompt
  • Alert
  • Confirm
  • Operators
  • Arithmetic operator
  • Assignment operator
  • Comparison operator
  • Logical operator
  • Date
  • Time
  • Control Flow Statement
  • Conditional statement
  • Loop
  • Function
  • Parameter and Arguments
  • Events
  • On click
  • On Mouse over
  • On Mouse out
  • On submit
  • On select
  • On change
  • On blur
  • On focus
  • On load
  • On key up and on key down
  • Hyperlink
  • Eval
  • Project assignment
  • Introduction To Typescript
  • How typescript work?
  • Benefits of TS
  • Top features of TS
  • Typescript development
    over JavaScript
  • History of TS
  • Installation and setting
  • How to build your 1st TS file
  • Compiling TS fie into JS
  • Datatypes
  • Let
  • Var
  • Const
  • Any
  • Unkown
  • Type inference
  • Type alias
  • Advance data type or collections
  • Object
  • Array
  • Built-in array function
  • Tuple
  • Enum
  • Union
  • Literal
  • Null
  • Undefined
  • Operators
  • Arithmetic operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Comparison operators
  • logical operators
  • ternary operators
  • type of operators
  • control flow statement
  • conditional statement
  • switch statement
  • iterative statement
  • for
  • while
  • do-while
  • un-conditional or
    transfer statement
  • break
  • continue
  • return
  • Function
  • Arrow function
  • Module
  • interface
  • Object oriented programming
  • Class
  • Object
  • Method
  • Constructor
  • inheritance
  • Method overriding
  • Modifier
  • Public
  • Private
  • Protected
  • Read-only
  • Introduction To React JS
  • History of React
  • Features of React
  • Installation
  • Setting environment
  • Creating project
  • App.js File
  • Displaying our own content
  • Index.js file
  • Creating our new file
  • Loading new file
  • Importing new file
  • Npm vs yam package manager
  • File and folder structure
  • Package.json file
  • Pacakage-lock.json file
  • What is babel
  • React package installation
  • Components in reactjs
  • Function component
  • Class component
  • Jsx
  • Click event
  • State components
  • Props
  • Get input box data
  • Hide
  • Show
  • Toggle
  • Form handling
  • Conditional rendering
  • Life cycle method
  • Constructor Life cycle method
  • Render Life cycle method
  • Component Life cycle method
  • Hooks
  • Styles in react
  • Bootstrap in react
  • Re-using component
  • Router
  • React API
  • Redux
  • Project
  • Introduction To programming
  • Introduction to software
  • Types of software
  • What is Python Language?
  • Important of Python language
  • Structure of Python language
  • Coding environment setup
  • Software installation
  • Data type
  • Variable
  • Tokens
  • Keywords
  • Identifier
  • Literals
  • Operators
  • Arithmetic operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Comparison operators
  • logical operators
  • bitwise operators
  • identity operators
  • membership operators
  • Comment
  • casting
  • string
  • Mutable vs Immutable
  • List
  • Tuple
  • Set
  • Frozen set
  • Dictionary
  • Conversion
  • Control flow statement
  • Conditional statement
  • iterative statement
  • counter control loop
  • event control loop
  • for
  • while
  • Transfer statement
  • Pass
  • Continue
  • Break
  • return
  • Function
  • Recursive function
  • Iterative function
  • Lambda Function
  • Exceptional Handling
  • Module & Packages
  • Built-in modules
  • User define modules
  • Comprehension
  • Any function
  • Map
  • Filter
  • Reduce
  • Object oriented programming
  • Class
  • Object
  • Method
  • Static Variable
  • non-static Variable
  • Constructor
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • abstract
  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • Matplot
  • Project – 1 assignment
  • Introduction data
  • Database
  • Data model
  • Object based logical model
  • Entity relationship model
  • Record based logical model
  • Hierarchical data model
  • Network
  • Relational
  • DBMS
  • SQL
  • DDL
  • DML
  • DCL
  • TCL
  • Operators
  • CURD
  • Functions
  • Join
  • Introduction to Django
  • Feature of Django
  • Django web server
  • MVT architecture
  • ORM
  •  Building Django Project
  • Understanding Django environment
  • Sample Hello world application
  • Starting a Project
  • Http response
  • Activating first APP
  • Django template language
  • Creating HTML file
  • Render HTML file
  • View that display hyperlink
  • Mapping urls file
  • file
  • Running our first app
  • Passing value using python variable
  • Views using Template
  • Django template language (DTL)
  • Extends
  • Static content
  • Dynamic content
  • Passing images
  • If else
  • Loop
  • Model , class and object
  • ORM
  • Integrating PostgreSQL Database
  • Creating Model
  • Fields in Models
  • Converting Model to Table
  • Creating super user
  • Creating admin panel
  • Adding data using admin
  • Displaying data through database
  • Card view using bootstrap
  • CRUD operations ( Create, Read, Update, Delete)
  • Creating signup page
  • User authentication
  • messages
  • Login page
  • Logout Page
  • Project – 1 assignment
  • Project – 2 assignment
  • Project – 3 assignment


  • Create project
  • Running project
  • Create app
  • Connect your app with your project
  • Creating a super user
  • Check in database
  • Creating model


  • Attach your model with file
  • create a category model to add a product for a specific category
  • Do the migration
  • tore some category on category model
  • Now add foreign key to connect product and category
  • Display Table view in admin panel for product
  • Display Table view in admin panel for product
  • Display category name in product


  • Handling request in Django
  • Working with HTML file (Django Templates)
  • Fetching products from database to client side (html page area)
  • Adding HTML file and pass the data
  • Loading images to front end


  • Add Bootstrap in to your project
  • Create Menu (Navbar for your project)


  • Using extend.html to pass the same menu in all pages
  • Listing category in your page
  • Filter the list


  • Singup page client side
  • Singup backend-1
  • Singup backend-2


  • Singup vaidations
  • Hash password creating


  • Login page client side
  • login page logic


  • Class based view
  • Create a separate folder for each function ( singp,login,home)

PART -10

  • Manage session
  • Creating cart part-1:Create a form to handle the request

PART -11

  • Creating cart part-2: managing session
  • Creating cart part-3: cretaing filter

PART -12

  • Cart part-4 : creating
  • Cart part-5 : increase decrease button
  • Cart part-6 : display saved
  • Cart part-7 : product view

PART -13

  • Return to same product
  • Creating logout
  • Fetching cart product

PART -14

  • Showing cart product in cart page
  • Filter for currency
  • Place order

PART -15

  • Checkout
Best-in-class content developed by industry experts

Tuition Fee

Rs.35,000/-(Excluding GST)

Rs.50,000/-(Including GST)

Start your journey today with an initial commitment, We exclusively offer placement assistance to support your career goals.


JobPakado offers a wide range of programs in various fields such as business, technology, creative arts, engineering and more. Some of our popular programs include embedded systems, full-stack java development, data science, full-stack Python, AWS, SQL, Android, and iOS development, agile methodologies, web development, and digital marketing.

The duration of our programs varies depending on the field and level of the program. Some of our programs are short-term and can be completed within a few weeks, while others are more comprehensive and can take up to a few months or more to complete.

You will find the option above to view the ongoing programs from the view all programs page. Choose your program from the programs section and register by clicking on start learning followed by successful payment.

We offer our learners a range of support services, including academic advising, tutoring, career services, and counselling services. We are committed one to one chat support system between Learner and Trainer which help will help our learners succeed academically and personally.

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