cyber Threat intelligence Program

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Next Cohort Starts: 1 June, 2024
Limited no. of seats available

Program Duration: 30 Days

Learning Format

Program Overview

The Cyber Threat Intelligence program is meticulously designed to provide participants with the essential skills and knowledge required to excel in the rapidly evolving field of cybersecurity. This comprehensive curriculum encompasses a broad spectrum of topics aimed at understanding, identifying, and mitigating cyber threats effectively.

Key Features

Introduction to Cyber Threat Intelligence:Fundamentals of cyber threat intelligence, The role of threat intelligence in cybersecurity, Key concepts and terminology

Threat Landscape Analysis:Overview of the current cyber threat landscape, Common threat actors and their profiles, Trends and emerging threats

Data Collection and Sources:Types of data sources (open-source, closed-source, technical, and human intelligence), Techniques for collecting and managing threat data, Legal and ethical considerations in data collection

Threat Intelligence Lifecycle:Phases of the threat intelligence lifecycle, Planning and direction, Collection and processing, Analysis and production, Dissemination and feedback

Analytical Techniques:Structured analytical techniques, Tools and methodologies for threat analysis, Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) and their significance, Correlation and contextualization of threat data

Threat Intelligence Platforms and Tools:Overview of popular threat intelligence platforms (TIPs), Practical training on using TIPs for analysis and reporting, Integration of threat intelligence with other security tools

Operationalizing Threat Intelligence:Leveraging threat intelligence for proactive defense, Incident response and threat intelligence integration, Building and maintaining threat intelligence programs

Strategic Threat Intelligence:Developing strategic insights from threat data, Impact of geopolitical developments on cybersecurity, Communicating threat intelligence to stakeholders and decision-makers

Case Studies and Practical Exercises:Real-world examples and case studies, Hands-on exercises to apply learned skills, Simulation of threat intelligence operations

Best-in-class content developed by industry experts

Tuition Fee

Rs.25,000/-(Excluding GST)

Rs.29,500/-(Including GST)

Start your journey today with an initial commitment, We exclusively offer placement assistance to support your career goals.


JobPakado offers a wide range of programs in various fields such as business, technology, creative arts, engineering and more. Some of our popular programs include embedded systems, full-stack java development, data science, full-stack Python, AWS, SQL, Android, and iOS development, agile methodologies, web development, and digital marketing.

The duration of our programs varies depending on the field and level of the program. Some of our programs are short-term and can be completed within a few weeks, while others are more comprehensive and can take up to a few months or more to complete.

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We offer our learners a range of support services, including academic advising, tutoring, career services, and counselling services. We are committed one to one chat support system between Learner and Trainer which help will help our learners succeed academically and personally.

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